Shipping using Podman (Deprecated)


Using Podman, we can create a working Docker image without needing to:

  • setup a full Docker environment
  • be a user with root-level privileges

This means that we can create a container in a very constrained environment like WSL, another container, etc.


The process could be a bit lighter, but the allows us to test our image.

Note that we are using Alpine containers as our base. Alpine uses musl, which enabled faccessat2 to check permissions. However, runc returns a security error when the syscall is absent, rather than a “missing call” diagnostic, when seccomp (yet another character in this game of Clue!) blocks the call.

Long story short: we are working around this limitation by creating and using a more permissive policy. This is something that Docker would not allow us to do during the build process.

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