Rate Limiting

This feature is similar to that of websites that block login attempts for a “cooldown period” to prevent brute force attacks.

It applies to LDAP bind operations.

Example configuration:

LimitFailedBinds = true
NumberOfFailedBinds = 3
PeriodOfFailedBinds = 10
BlockFailedBindsFor = 60
PruneSourceTableEvery = 600
PruneSourcesOlderThan = 600
LimitFailedBindsWhen enabled, rate limiting will apply after a number of failed authentication attempts
NumberOfFailedBindsNumber of consecutive failed auth attempts required to trigger rate limiting
PeriodOfFailedBindsWindow (in seconds) to detect failed auth attempts
BlockFailedBindsForNumber of seconds to block the source IP address
PruneSourceTableEvery(Housekeeping) clean up monitored IP addresses after this many seconds
PruneSourcesOlderThanClean up IP addresses last seen this many seconds ago
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