
This is the default backend. It contains all configuration information, as well as users and groups.
This bare bones type of configuration allows you to get started with GLAuth very quickly and depending on your needs, you may not need to switch to a different backend.

Note that, since you can chain backends, you could use this backend to specify two-factors secrets before relaying a query to, for instance, a LDAP backend where the same users already exist, only without this added level of security.

TODO: Diagram

Starting with version 2.1.0, it is possible to split this backend type in multiple, specialized files.
Store these files in a directory and point GLauth to that directory using -c directory

Required Fields

NameThe user’s username
ouID of the user’s primary group
uidnumberThe user’s unix user id
passsha256 [or ↓]The user’s unix password, hashed using SHA256
passbcrypt [or ↑]The user’s unix password, hashed using bcrypt
primarygroupID of the user’s primary group

passsha256 and passbcrypt are mutually exclusive. They are also not required if the backend is chained behind another backend, such as ldap.

Optional Fields

otherGroupsArray of IDs of groups the user is a member of.[5501, 5002]blank
givennameFirst nameJohnblank
snLast nameDoeblank
disabledSet to ‘true’ (without quotes) to make the LDAP entry add ‘AccountStatus = inactive’false (active)
mailSpecify an emailjdoe@example.comblank
loginshellSpecify a different login shell for the user/bin/sh, or /sbin/nologin/bin/bash
homedirectorySpecify an overridden home directory for the user/home/itadmin/home/[username]
otpsecretSpecify OTP secret used to validate OTP passcode3hnvnk4ycv44glzigd6s25j4dougs3rkblank
passappbcryptSpecify an array of app passwords which can also succesfully bind - these bypass the OTP check. Hash the same way as password.[“c32256…”,“4939ef…”]blank
passappsha256Specify an array of app passwords which can also succesfully bind - these bypass the OTP check. Hash the same way as password.[“c32256…”,“4939ef…”]blank
sshPublicKeySpecify an array of public keys[“ssh-rsa…”,“ssh-ed25519…”]blank
yubikeySpecify Yubikey ID for maching Yubikey OTP against the usercccjgjgkhcbbblank
capabilitiesSpecify an array of capabilities the user has[action=“search”, object=“ou=heroes,dc=glauth,dc=com”]blank
customattributesSpecify an array of custom attributes[employeetype=[“Intern”]]blank
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