OpenSSH Keys

GLAuth can store a user’s SSH authorized keys. For instance, in a given user’s configuration:

1sshkeys = ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEA3UKCEllO2IZXgqNygiVb+dDLJJwVw3AJwV34t2jzR+/tUNVeJ9XddKpYQektNHsFmY93lJw5QDSbeH/mAC4KPoUM47EriINKEelRbyG4hC/ko/e2JWqEclPS9LP7GtqGmscXXo4JFkqnKw4TIRD52XI9n1syYM9Y8rJ88fjC/Lpn+01AB0paLVIfppJU35t0Ho9doHAEfEvcQA6tcm7FLJUvklAxc8WUbdziczbRV40KzDroIkXAZRjX7vXXhh/p7XBYnA0GO8oTa2VY4dTQSeDAUJSUxbzevbL0ll9Gi1uYaTDQyE5gbn2NfJSqq0OYA+3eyGtIVjFYZgi+txSuhw== rsa-key-20160209"]

Add one or more keys per user as shown above, then follow the steps to setup the goklp helper:

On the server side, you must configure the SSH server to run a script that will check the user’s SSH keys against the LDAP server.

When using SSSD, you can for instance edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add the following line:

1AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/bin/sss_ssh_authorizedkeys
2AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody

For further documentation regarding using OpenSSH keys, please visit the SSH Integration section.

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