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By no means exhaustive, a list of GLAuth packagers, integrators, and otherwise enthusiasts.
Docker Hub images, including K8S operator
Snap packages for 16+ Linux distros
Charm Operator
Rock Container Image
Arch Linux Package
GLAuth Ansible Playbook
Unraid Application
Hostsharing Ansible playbook
Cloud Foundry BOSH Release
Upcoming: Nix/NixOS Package
TrueNAS Chart
Authelia plugin for GLAuth
Authelia supports GLAuth natively
Keycloak plugin for GLAuth
Kubernetes distro security model around GLAuth
Getting started with Hashicorp Vault (with GLAuth)
AMT Cloud Toolkit User Authentication
Authentication with GLAuth
Multi factor authentication with GLAuth
External user management using GLAuth
RBAC API directory with GLAuth
LDAP client library, using the GLAuth server
Caddy security configuration with GLAuth
GLAuth updates
GLAuth configuration to sign keys
Systemd setup for GLAuth
WebISO solution at University of Florida
The NREL tests its security using GLAuth
Hardened Kubernetes webhook authentication with GLAuth
GLAuth UI Light
2021 The GLAuth Project Contributors.